On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 03:59:35PM -0500, Philip Mak wrote:
> Does anyone know of a program that I can set as a cron job to go
> through an mbox file, and delete all messages that are from a mailing
> list and are 21 days old?
You will not believe it - it's mutt! Example (from my .muttrc):

set score                               # set scoring on
score ~ 5000                            # set the default score to 
                                        #all messages to 5000
score "~C mutt-users ~R ~r >60d" -4000  # if message is from mutt-users
                                        # list AND read AND older than
                                        # 60 days then drop its score
set score_threshold_delete=1000         # delete messages with score
                                        # 1000 or less

Probaly you could just define macro to kill messages and call it from
the folder-hook, without using scoring.

Another way to delete old messages is to use filter mbox thru
formail/procmail, but I'm not guru on these excellent tools.

If you are using MH or Maildir, it's just find/grep + some trivial shell

Artem Okounev.

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