On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 08:37:22AM -0500, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > I have been using mutt in an rxvt window with a background xpm
> > for a long time, using the version from the SuSE distribution
> > withouth compilling myself.  Since SuSE 7.2 however, rxvt covers
> > the background image with a black character background itself.  I
> > guess this has something to do with slang vs. ncurses.  The older
> > versions were using ncurses and the new ones are compiles with
> > slang.
> >
> > Is there any way to get back my background image without having to
> > compile mutt myself?
> it's most likely the choice of $TERM (the terminfo entry should have
> 'op' using \E[39m;\E[49m, for instance).

Ahem, could you explain that again for complete idiots?  I don't
have the terminfo sources installed, so I can't check the settings
in the rxvt terminfo file (unless someone tells me how to do it).


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

P.S.: Please cc me, I'm not subscribed to the list.

Dominik Vogt, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LifeBits Aktiengesellschaft, Albrechtstr. 9, D-72072 Tuebingen
fon: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-0, fax: ++49 (0) 7071/7965-20

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