On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Bob McLaren wrote:

> Please help a mutt newbie out.
> I have searched through archives and I am still not able to find the
> answer to this.

> I am using Mutt inside our network to send emails out to the internet.
> Because it is an internal PC hidden behind a firewall, it does not have
> a resolvable hostname.
> This causes problems because many mail system refuse the email if the
> hostname used in HELO is not resolvable.

> What can I do to force the HELO generated by mutt to use my outside SMTP
> hostname?

I ran into this same thing.
Here's the line from my .muttrc file:
        set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"            
            # From: address (see send-hook my_hdr From)

I don't have a my_hdr line but that can easily be set for addresses
outside your network.



You live, You die.  Enjoy the interval!
        -- Clarence

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