On 03-Mar-02 at 00:24, Jonathan Irving's inspired musing was thus :
> * Simon White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.02.28 18:02 +0000]:
> > No, what I was trying to say (perhaps I wasn't clear) is that
> > you cannot get mutt to send mail to your public SMTP server,
> > you have to run an SMTP server on your machine in order to get
> > mutt to send mail. There are several suggestions depending on
> > your setup, see the mutt web pages and the manual, usually in
> > /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt.
> You actually need a SMTP /client/ with a sendmail commandline
> interface.  Sorry to be a pedant.

Never apologise for being picky about things like that. Using the correct
language is appropriate in this case. You're right, you just need a
lightweight SMTP client, and indeed running an SMTP server (which of course
also functions as a client) may be overkill and cause extra unnecessary

I stand corrected.

|-Simon White
|-Internet Services Manager
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