* John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05-03-02 06:30 AM EST]:

> >That recommendation does not works neither. I think that when you are at
> >that point -email already composed- it is not possible to add any extra
> >headers. They need to be added 'before' you enter message compossing. IN 
>   Oh, you're right of course, I didn't even think about the significance
> of the "compose" context.  Hmph.  Yeah, it looks like you may be stuck

Great! Good to know I am not crazy :-) If I close me eyes I can see 
.muttrc burn on my retina...

> macroing a secondary compose key for what you want (well, that or
[... SNIP ...]

Just what I plan on doing. I will come back with my new macro, gotta drive 
to work now.

> formail, and _then_ sends it to sendmail or whatever for MTA-ing.
> That's some pretty heavy kung fu but it might do what you want.

Yeah, well, I am already using a wrapper, TMDA 
(http://software.libertine.org/tmda/), so that makes it a bit more 
difficult. I am going to settle for a new macro for now.

Thanks and...


David Collantes - http://www.bus.ucf.edu/david/
College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida
"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details."

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