* Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305 22:13]:
> Well, I switched to vi (vim, actually) as the .

"as the ??"

> For page a vi junkie, this is really much better.  (And, for a
> person who doesn't really understand how to use mutt right.)


> I though I would pass along some helpful points
> in case anyone else wants to do this.  To start vi,
> I use the following set pager command in Muttrc:
>   set pager="vi -c /^$/ -c /"
> This moves the cursor to the start of the body of the email.
> Thus, you skip all the header stuff. I won't embarrass myself
> by telling how long it took me to figure this out.

if you'd looked at my setup file then you'd see this
and some more examples on how to use vim as the editor
and some other startup examples.  (see signature)

> Also, "set prompt_after=no" is handy.

that one is included, too.  *grin*

> To make it easier to read the mail, these three items in .vimrc help.
> map Z :q!
  <--fast quit without saving anything.

danger, will robinson!  you just might mistype
'X' with 'Z' and then all your changes are lost.

you had better leave out the CR which sends of this command.
then you can still back out from a typo with ESC.

besides, "ZZ" is the vanilla vi to exit quickly.
dunno why almost no description mentions that one.

> map z z
   <--- fast shift email to top of screen.
> First command given after email comes up in vi.

well, why not add this to the startup, too, then? ;-)

again - you had better not map away a single key.
after all, you are then missing the commands "zz"
and "zb" to redisplay the current line the middle
and at the bottom of the windows, respectively.

> I wish I could get this to happen automatically.
> map g !}fmt
  <---wrap those long lines around.

automatic reformatting can easily be done.
however, it is not always a good idea.
trust me on this one.

besides, this won't work for the windows version.
(then again, what does work with windows at all?)
better use the builtin text formating with "gq".

you might enjoy using CTRL-J for adjusting paragraphs:

" Formatting the current paragraph according to
" the current 'textwidth' with ^J (control-j):
" imap <C-J> <C-O>gqap  " too dangerous for my editing ;-)
  nmap <C-J>      gqap
  vmap <C-J>      gq

NOTE:  This might require adjusting of the 'comments' variable.

> If there are any vi newbies who want to try this,
> remember that to enter ^M you need to type,
> while in the insert mode: control-v [enter]

see also:  ":help c_CTRL-V"


Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sample Setup with lots of comments:
MUTT  http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/muttrc         WOOF!,,
MUTT  http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/muttrc.forall    (__/'.
MUTT  http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/mutt.personal    /| |\

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