On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 09:25:10AM -0500, David T-G wrote:

> ...and then N. Thomas said...
> > I'm thinking I might have inadvertently hit some keystroke that did
> > this. Is there a function that will do something like this?
> Did you accidentally e'x'it out of mutt -- without a sync -- rather than
> 'q'uitting, perhaps?

Possibly, but this shouldn't have had any effect as the mails were deleted
(or rather marked as trash) from a previous session.

This happened once again after I sent my initial email, feh!

> > (I'm using the maildir mbox format with $maildir_trash set.)
> I dunno how the trash option works, but I imagine that it doesn't purge
> the mailbox immediately...

According to $MUTT/etc/Muttrc, the $maildir_trash only tags deleted messages
with the (T)rashed flag...but I suspect the problem was because I had set
$delete to "no".

The default for this option was ask-yes, and I didn't want mutt to keep
asking me whether or not I wanted to delete messages (because since
$maildir_trash, it wasn't a big deal). So I set it to "no".

I'm thinking this confused mutt, and so it undeleted all my deleted
messages. Anyways, I set $delete to "yes" and so far it hasn't happened

I'm guessing this was my fault, as things didn't make sense the way the two
options were set...oh well.


N. Thomas
Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo

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