Noble, et al --

...and then N. Thomas said...
% On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 09:25:10AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then N. Thomas said...
% >
% > > I'm thinking I might have inadvertently hit some keystroke that did
% > > this. Is there a function that will do something like this?
% > 
% > Did you accidentally e'x'it out of mutt -- without a sync -- rather than
% > 'q'uitting, perhaps?
% Possibly, but this shouldn't have had any effect as the mails were deleted
% (or rather marked as trash) from a previous session.

That's interesting.  Is this an IMAP connection?  I didn't think that any
of the local mailbox formats would allow you to keep a D flag through a
sync, or that the trash flag would be any different...

% This happened once again after I sent my initial email, feh!

Ick :-)

% > > (I'm using the maildir mbox format with $maildir_trash set.)
% > 
% > I dunno how the trash option works, but I imagine that it doesn't purge
% > the mailbox immediately...
% According to $MUTT/etc/Muttrc, the $maildir_trash only tags deleted messages
% with the (T)rashed flag...but I suspect the problem was because I had set
% $delete to "no".

Ah.  Yes, I imagine that would do it.

% The default for this option was ask-yes, and I didn't want mutt to keep
% asking me whether or not I wanted to delete messages (because since
% $maildir_trash, it wasn't a big deal). So I set it to "no".


% I'm thinking this confused mutt, and so it undeleted all my deleted
% messages. Anyways, I set $delete to "yes" and so far it hasn't happened
% again.

Well, you may have to particularly define "confused" as "didn't do what I
expected it to" :-)  I expect that that's what it was, though.

% I'm guessing this was my fault, as things didn't make sense the way the two
% options were set...oh well.

You know the rule: expound on how and why it was unclear and submit a doc
patch! :-)

% noble
% -- 
% N. Thomas
% Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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