Chris, et al --

...and then Christopher S. Swingley said...
% David,
% > OK, so when I said "Any ideas are welcome" I really meant about this
% > particular instantiation :-)
% Well, it won't tell you much about memory, but you can see what system
% functions are being called inside the program by using the 'strace'

Hmmm...  Hokay.

% program.  Once you've found the process ID number with 'top' or 'ps'

That part is easy.

% you can type 'strace -p PID' and it'll show you what's happening.


% Unfortunately, it won't show you much about memory, and in fact when
% I just ran this command on my current mutt process, it was pretty
% clear that mutt wasn't doing much of anything at the system level
% until I switched folders / opened email / etc.

OK.  I haven't switched folders at all, but I certainly read and write
mail.  I'll see what that gets me.

% Assuming you built mutt with -g (debugging) you could attach 'gdb'

Actually, I dunno that I did; I'd be surprised.  ...  Nope, I did; my
mutt -v reports +DEBUG.  One step down...

% to the running process, and this might give you a better view into
% the program than strace would.  But I've never actually used 'gdb'
% this way, so I don't know how smart it is when confronted with a
% running executable and no source code to go along with it.

I could dig the source code back out, too; it's in the cocktail archive.
The problem I see, though, ...

% You'd probably need to be pretty familiar with the source code,
% variables and structure definitions, etc. for 'gdb' to really help
% you figure out what's going on.

... is this one.  I can hardly spell gdb, much less use it.

% Not much help, I know, but you did say ``Any ideas are welcome'' !

Indeed I did :-)  Thanks a bunch!

% Chris
% -- 
% Christopher S. Swingley           phone: 907-474-2689
% Computer Systems Manager          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% IARC -- Frontier Program          GPG and PGP keys at my web page:
% University of Alaska Fairbanks

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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