
On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 02:48:00:AM +0100 Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Rocco Rutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-21 01:01]:
> > Should even fit on a line in your config
> > as works by pressing just *one* key.

I guess, this won't end up quickly and I'm running out of coffee... ;-)

> well, you can put everything on one key, but...
> you don't want this if some part of
> the command sequence fails, right?

Yepp, of course. Some possible sources of error may also disappear
depending on the system configuration and the user... but generally
speaking: yes.

> so many things can go wrong here.
> i would not issue a delete command
> if I was not really sure.

Syncing automatically would be no problem for me since I have at least a
double backup of each message (for other reasons).

> in this
> case this means that the changed
> messages arrives in the mailbox.

Depends. As the transport is supposed to happen on your local system
nobody cares about another header. Procmail (if installed) can take
care of that to move that mail to a 'please-make-sure-mailbox'.

...but it would end up in lots more complication than the whole thing
may be worth. And I guess anybody will find an even more complicated
'solution'. ;-)

> but how can you make sure about this?
> this certainly needs extra code in mutt.

Depends, too. I can image this can be done by the user and not by mutt.
Scoring on custom headers may be one way. Extra code another.

> I think it is better to copy the message
> to the current folder and editing that copy.
> It's yet another workaround -
> but not a bad one, is it? :-)

Should work, too. So, who prepares a list and runs a poll which the
final workaround to be suggested (temporarily)? ;-)

Regards, Rocco

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