Cameron, et al --

...and then Cameron Simpson said...
% On 11:44 21 Mar 2002, Steve Talley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% | David T-G wrote:
% | > ...and then Steve Talley said...
% | > > orignal, why shouldn't it be able to do the same with an arbitrary
% | > > shell script?
% | >
% | > It can -- just as you've defined it within your macro :-)
% Hmm. I was thinging along the same lines as Steve, but then: if my index
% is ordered, I'd expect the the edited message to show up in the right spot

Sure; that makes sense.

% in the index anyway regardless of being "a fresh message". So Steve, do

Well, unless you change pertinent information in the message (if you sort
by threads but break the References: header, or if you sort by date but
change the date, or ...) it ought to land right where you expect it to.

% you order your index on some message feature (eg Date:) or just physical
% mail folder order?

If you sort by mailbox order then it should land at the bottom just as
you'd expect from the sorting :-)  That's actually only half a smiley;
I'd much rather have it down there if that's how I sort than to have it
either magically displayed out of order or, heaven forbid, have it
inserted in the middle of my potentially huge mbox file.

% | Suppose my default $editor is something ridiculously long, like:
% |     vi -o2 -e -b '+/^subject' '+s/^subject/SuBJeCt/i' '+/^$/'
% | 
% | Then I have to reset it in every macro:
% Stuff in in an envvar. Like $EDITOR, which it probably is anyway. Then:

I like this approach as well.  There was even a patch that let you
access environment vars and/or mutt vars in a script, but I forget the
specifics...  Perhaps someone could dig it out; I'm almost certain it's
by one of the authors in my cocktail.

% Maybe a fresh mutt command:
%       :pushvar editor='.......'<return>;e:popvar editor

We're treading on risky ground; the next thing you know we'll be putting
in a scripting language whether we like it or not :-)

% Just ideas,
% -- 
% Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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