
Pardon my imcompetence but for some reason, I cannot get mutt-1.3.x to process
and display french accentuated letters properly since the support for iconv
was introduced.  First, when I compile with
"--with-charmaps={wherever-maps-are}", it works like a charm. All the
accentuated letters are displayed properly.

But I compiled libiconv-1.7 and then compiled mutt-1.3.28i and I can't get it
to display those accentuated properly. I always end-up with ?, spaces or \009
codes. I added:

  source /usr/local/doc/mutt/samples/iconv/iconv.solaris-2.7.rc

I am running on a Solaris 2.8 system but I couldn't see the solaris-2.8 file

Any ideas?

Charles Gagnon                   | My views are my views and they             | do not represent those of anybody
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | but me.

   You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him drink.
   However, if you shoot a couple of uncooperative mules, the
   rest tend to get pretty thirsty.

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