* Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-09 19:18 -0700]:
> Gerhard Häring wrote:
> > * John P Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-09 21:41 -0400]:
> >> This may be an FAQ, but I couldn't come up with it.
> >> 
> >> I have substantial *.pst files from Microsoft Outlook from work
> >> which I want to convert to mbox format.  Any pointers on this will
> >> be gratefully appreciated.
> > I've done that recently. I used Mozilla on Windows to import the PST
> > files. Then hunted down where Mozilla actually has his files.
> > c:/Documents and Settings/..../AppData/Mozilla or similar it was in my
> > case. Mozilla saves its mails in a mbox format. However, in a peculiar
> > one with Windows line endings, so you have to get rid of the CR for
> > example using tr. Voila the converted mbox files.
> if you have access to an IMAP server (or even if you can temporarily
> install one on the machine you're running mutt on), you could use
> outlook to copy the files to an IMAP server;

The problem was that I was without an ISP at home for some time, so I
downloaded mails at work into Outlook/MS Exchange. When I got internet
again at home, I wanted to transfer the messages and import it into my
IMAP/procmail setup at home.

Unfortunately, I can't access the German MS Exchange server at work
reasonably with anything besides Outlook. All other IMAP clients choke
on the folder names that contain German umlauts or spaces. For some
reason, Exchange uses a weird encoding for these :-(

mail:   gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de       registered Linux user #64239
web:    http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/    OpenPGP public key id AD24C930
public key fingerprint: 3FCC 8700 3012 0A9E B0C9  3667 814B 9CAA AD24 C930
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))

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