On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 12:10:06AM -0400, Robert Conde wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 12:50:49AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Yep, I have just looked into and sucessfully installed lbdb, it was just
> > what I was looking for.  However I have to pass a query string to lbdb,
> > so I am just working out how to display all entries in the system.
> I  have installed  lbdb and  don't see  how it  helps.  Is  it  just for
> external queries  or can it  extract addresses from received  e-mails as
> well?  I can't seem to get it to do either. 

The lbdbq program is used to query your database(s); the lbdb-fetchaddr
program is used to extract addresses from your e-mail and put them into
a database file.  This file is just one of the many databases that lbdb
can query.

Some people configure their system to extract the addresses from all
their received e-mail.  I prefer to extract just those addresses I'm
interested in, so I have the following macros defined in my muttrc:

    macro index A ":unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n" "add address to 
lbdb database"
    macro pager A ":unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n" "add address to 
lbdb database"

> Is  there a  site that  explains how  to use  this tool  in  depth.  I'd
> especially  like it  to  grab addresses  from  my Palm  Pilot.  I  tried
> http://www.spinnaker.de/lbdb, but I didn't find it very helpful.

I found pretty much everything I needed to know initially by reading the
lbdbq(1) man page and the etc/lbdb.rc file.  I did also read the lib/m_*
files for the modules I wanted to use to better understand how it all
worked, but I don't think that's normally necessary.

I modified two of the modules, m_ldap and m_yppasswd, to match the way
those databases are structured at my company, and wrote a module to
access another address file format.  You should find it pretty easy to
write one to extract addresses from whatever file format your Palm Pilot
exports.  Just follow the examples in the lib directory.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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