On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 06:43:14PM -0500, David DeSimone wrote:
> Ian Chilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [ian@buzz:~]$ cat .mailcap
> > text/html; /usr/bin/links %s
> > 
> > and these in .muttrc
> > set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap"
> > auto_view text/html
> > 
> > But I get this:
> > mailcap entry for type text/html not found
> Auto_view only looks for mailcap entries with the "copiousoutput" tag.

Ah!  That's helpful, thanks.

> If you want to use an interactive browser like links, you must press 'v'
> and press 'return' on the html attachment.

Try w3m instead.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv. Contract programmer, server bum.

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