
* David T-G [05/31/02 15:23:14 CEST] wrote:

> Have you tried

>   [^b][^a][^c][^k][^1]*

> to match "zero or more not-one"s?

See answer. I've already asked a few people how to best
solve problems like your and mine. No way. I was advised to
write a script which creates which takes all possible values
and a blacklist pattern and returns a whitelist. Regular
expressions are really great -- but not if someone wanted to
work with blacklists.

* Dan Boger [05/31/02 16:28:34 CEST] wrote:
> On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 08:39:20AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> > % just occured to me that this won't match "back2" either, since it starts
> > % with a "b"...

> > Yeah, that's another problem that occurred to me after posting.  I had
> > the same sort of problem with $alternates; I'd really like to be able to
> > say something like

> >   set alternates = "[^(laura*|madi|^quin*)]@justpickone.*"

Hey, didn't your wife read the mail for the cat? ;-)

> what we need is like the perl lookbehind:

>        (?<!pattern)
>                  A zero-width negative lookbehind assertion.  For
>                  example /(?<!bar)foo/ matches any occurrence of
>                  "foo" that isn't following "bar".  Works only
>                  for fixed-width lookbehind.

That's worth a try.

> another by the way - having a trailing .* is a nop, just eats cpu cycles
> (in a patterm match)...

If I had as much [insert_favorite_good_here] as I have CPU
cycles waiting to be wasted...

Cheers, Rocco

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