* Sven Guckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-04 16:18 +0200]:
> * Mike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-04 12:51]:
> > I was really thinking something more of a one keystroke macro
> > kinda thing that would immediately change my from address etc...
> > Your solution is nice, but it a) waits until sending,
> > and b) relies on the to address.  I want to be able
> > to change froms regardless of to. Anyone else?
> "set edit_hdrs" and use your editor to make the change.
> if your editor happens to be vim then
> you can do it with a mapping like these:
>   map #F1 1G/^From: /e+1<CR>CMike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><Esc>
>   map #F2 1G/^From: /e+1<CR>CMike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><Esc>

I use the following to set the From address:

macro compose v "<edit-from>^Uf_<tab>" "Absender wählen"
alias f_de      Nicolas Rachinsky <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
alias f_net     Nicolas Rachinsky <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


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