On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 03:00:12PM -0400, Dan Boger wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 06:54:55PM +0000, Paul Stoeber wrote:
> > > I actually said it can't be modified by someone else, unless you made it
> > > so.
> > 
> > True.  I guess Sven's comments have upset my logic unit.
> > 
> > Now seriously, how is my patch making mutt more insecure
> > than it is already?
> it doesn't.  as far as I can tell (without reading the patch, of course)

So then what's all the commotion?  

Have the pros and cons of an external mail notification program
already been discussed on the lists?  Can you give me subject lines?

(Sven, I'm sorry for having misspelled your surname.)

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