* Paul Stoeber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-24 20:39]:
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:41:46PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> > * Paul Stoeber [02-06-24 21:27:06 +0200] wrote:
> > > Have the pros and cons of an external mail notification
> > > program already been discussed on the lists?
> >
> > Hmm, what about biff and comsat allthough
> > it doesn't catch all your folders at once...
> I meant:  Have the pros and cons of { having mutt call an external
> program when new mail arrives } already been discussed?

I've been maintaining a page on that topic for some years now.  see sig

> From Sven's intense reaction I guess it could have been.

"intense"?  naaa...

> It seems to be useful to be notified of new mail while you
> spend your tube time in some program other that mutt,
> having a permanent mutt in one of your hidden screens.
> The existence of the `beep_new' option admits that.

that reminds me:  this feature *could* be dropped.

> But the method of sending \007 to the terminal
> has some shortcomings: it can't distinguish
> different types of events, and on some terminals
> (mine for example) the beep is disabled.

use /dev/snd instead.  ;-)

> My patch may be featurititis.  Does mutt already
> provide a hook to implement the feature?

no.  use an external command.  you can hook into your MDA.
much better than having a mutt process check all mailboxes.

> Run-foo-command-on-bar-event seems
> to be a common automation task.

although mutt has bells-and-whistles
you should not mistake it for a cow.


Sven Guckes           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mail/notification.html
Mail Notification FAQ - which programs notify you about new mail?
Sample setups welcome!

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