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Alas! Aragon Gouveia spake thus:
> Does anyone know how to have Mutt display a 'U' flag in the folder view i=
f a
> mail folder has unread messages? There's no folder_format format string f=
> it, so I was hoping someone could help me add it to the source. I really =
> at C :/ but I'm guessing it needs to be added in browser.c.

This isn't going to happen, but you can do this instead:

set up mbox hooks for all of your folders, possibly like this:

mbox-hook =3Dinbox =3Darchives/inbox

That way, when you look in the index, any folder with a nonzero size
contains mail. It works really well for me.

Also, if you're clever you could set up the mbox-hook to embed the date
into the name of the archive folder, and you would automagically be
organizing all your mail by date (usually you'd only want to use the
month and year for this...). And if you're even more clever (like me),
you could set up your muttrc to automatically search for and setup the
mbox hooks, so that if you make a new folder, you don't have to edit
your muttrc file ;)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
With Congress, every time they make a joke it's a law; and every time
they make a law it's a joke.
                -- Will Rogers

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