On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 02:46:02PM -0400, John P Verel wrote:
> > I got this to work:
> > macro attach a "<save-entry>\cu<bol>~/tmp/foo.doc\n!AbiWord ~/tmp/foo.doc\n"
> > Time for lunch.  After lunch, I'll amend the macro to delete the temp
> > file.
> This seems trivial, but I can't get the macro to do this.  If I do rm -f
> foo.doc, I get dumped into my editor.  I also can't figure out how to
> a) have AbiWord execute and then b) execute the rm after AbiWord exits.
Mutt should hang around and do nothing until AbiWord exits, so
you should be able to just append a "!rm -f ~/tmp/foo.doc\n"
to your macro. . .

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
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If you lose your temper at a newspaper columnist, he'll get rich, 
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