* On 2002.07.15, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Jim Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> to be able to do that within Mutt.  I haven't figured out how to get
> the image to xv without going into the ``v'' attachment menu, which
> hides the text part of the mail.

I'll assume that the other postings describing how to run a viewer
asynchronously work well.

To make this happen without entering the attachments menu, you'll also
need to set an autoview for the image type you're dealing with:
        auto_view image/jpeg
for example.

However, that will make mutt view all JPEGs automatically -- not
necessarily what you want. You could try tricks with message-hooks --
for example:

        message-hook .           unauto_view image/jpeg
        message-hook "~f list"   auto_view image/jpeg

Or you could set up a macro that does auto_view, then displays the
message, then unauto_views. This won't have the overhead of executing
hooks for every message you read, but it would require you to recall and
use a different keystroke.

Or you could play with changing the MIME type of the image, either
through procmail or using (again) message-hooks. This would allow you to
get what you want on these messages particularly, without necessarily
running the image viewer asynchronously on other message with JPEG

As usual, there are arguable advantages to any approach.

 -D.                    Fresh fruit enriches everyone.  Takes the thirst
 ENSA, NSIT             out of everyday time.  A pure whiff of oxygen,
 University of Chicago  painting over a monochrome world in primary colors.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       We all know that.  It's why everyone loves fruit.

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