Patrik Modesto sez:
} Hi!
} Maybe this is stupid question but I searched man-page to muttrc and find
} nothing about it. So, I need to forward message that contains some
} attachments. But I need to edit/update the text part of the forwarded
} message. What I've found is forward only text part or forward whole
} untouched message. I need somethig between.

This one of the less intuitive parts of mutt. To forward a message with
attachments as you would naturally want to you need to go to the
attachments view of the message, tag eveerything you want to forward
(including the body if you want to forward that), and then tag-forward
(i.e. tag-prefix forward, which if usually ;f). You'll find yourself in
your editor with whatever text you're forwarding, and when you exit the
editor the attachments will be there on the compose screen.

} Patrik

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