David Champion sez:
} * On 2002.08.02, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
} *     "Sven Guckes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > * Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-02 12:52]:
} > > To forward a message with attachments as you would naturally
} > > want to you need to go to the attachments view of the message,
} > > tag everything you want to forward (including the body if you
} > > want to forward that), and then tag-forward (i.e. tag-prefix
} > > forward, which is usually ";f"). You'll find yourself in your
} > > editor with whatever text you're forwarding, and when you exit
} > > the editor the attachments will be there on the compose screen.
} > 
} > yup..
} > 
} > > This one of the less intuitive parts of mutt.
} > 
} > but i wonder where you would improve the intuitiveness of that.
} > suggestions?
} I find that these improve intuitiveness. I on;y use the attachment menu
} when I want to forward a specific attachment and leave the rest out.
} message-hook .              "set mime_forward=ask-no"
} message-hook "~h multipart" "set mime_forward=ask-yes"

Not bad, but mime_forward does the wrong thing also. It's great if you want
to forward an entire message (which, occasionally, I do), but it doesn't
serve the more common case of wanting to forward everything in the message
as parts of your message and adding a comment to the forwarded message


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