
I have just converted a friend from using pine to mutt.  But there is
still one features he misses and I would feel stupid saying: `well,
this is nog the way we do things in mutt.'

When he replies to


he wants the outgoing email to be saved in =someguy.  I thought about
doing the following:

    . use edit-headers
    . let the editor-variable be a script that does the following:
    . if the in-reply-to is present, lookup the recipient and write
      a corresponding fcc-header
    . invoke the editor of choice (vim) to the result

This should work, right?  But it seems a bit of a clutch.  BTW,
fcc-hook doesn't work in this case, because you would need lots of
them: one for each person you are corresponding with.  And how do you
know, with whom you're going to email in the future.

Anyway, how would you solve this `problem'?


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