Hello, I found what seems to be a bug.
Well, it IS a bug. Don't know if it is mutt's or LookOut's.

I received a message from someone using outlook containing an email
attached (*.eml). Unfortunately, outlook sends the attachment as
"application/octet-stream", so mutt can't really recognize it
Then I open the message in mutt, hit ctrl-e and change the type to
"message/rfc822". After opening the message again, it displays its
contents normally. Inside this attached message, there is an attached
windows media movie (*.wmv). And AGAIN, it shows up wrongly, this time
as a "text/plain". And there comes what I think might be a bug in mutt.
In the pager, it displays the attachment as:

[-- Type: video/x-ms-wmv, Encoding: base64, Size: 1.0M --]
[-- video/x-ms-wmv is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

However, hitting "v" to view the message's attachments shows the
attachment as:

I     3 <no description>             [text/plain, 7bit, 1.4M]

Apparently, mutt displays the message correctly in the pager display
(correct type, correct size). In attachment menu, it shows up encoded
(bigger size, text/plain).
I tried hitting ctrl-e in attachment menu to change it's type to
video/x-ms-wmv, but it stills shows the same (only thing that changes is
the text/plain to video/x-ms-wmv, but content is still the same,
I know I can just save it to a file and try to decode it manually using
the usual mime tools, but I wanted people to know about it, and
enlighten me if this is not a bug in mutt (of course, the brokeness of
outlook could do anything!).

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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