* Ryan Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-10 06:32]:
> source "~/.mutt/hooks/folder.recip.sh ~/.Mail/lists/"|
> source "~/.mutt/hooks/folder.recip.sh ~/.Mail/people/"|

*  Sven Guckes wrote:
> source filename
> source filename|
> "filename foo" is *not* a filename, i suppose.

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-11 14:57]:
> Hi Sven - I'm trying to understand what you meant by this.
> I'm guessing here - but does the vertical bar have to come at the
> end of the script name ?  Not at the end of the command line ?

"filename" stands for the name of a file.  no more - no less.

so - is "foo bar" a filename?  or more specifically -
is there a file named "folder.recip.sh ~/.Mail/lists/"
(note the space!) in Ryan's ~/.mutt/hooks directory?
my guess is that this *file* does *not* exist.

> Sometimes even reading the manual is not sufficient.

yep - understanding it is required, too.  *ehem*

> The admirable terseness of UNIX/Linux documentation sometimes
> cause gaps in understanding which are not apparent to those
> who are already familiar with the topics being examined.
> I believe this is one of those times.

au contraire.  Ryan probably expected that he can use
any kind of commmand with parameters in this value.
and that's where he would be wrong because the
parameter is explicitly described as a *filename*.
or does it say "put parameters here" anywhere?

> (I still prefer this to the "step by step robot" instructions that
> are frequently passed off as documentation by some publishers.)
> ("click this, now click that, select from a list. etc... ")

"mutt for dummies" includes all the manuals with examples -
these are 42 volumes if printed out and available
for just some bucks to get you a linux.

> > > Anything I can do to avoid this?
> > rtfm?!
> Which part of the manual would explain this please ?

the part which says "Usage: source filename"
yes, it is terse.  but read on - there
are more sentences and even an example!

  For example:
  source /usr/local/share/Mutt.aliases
  source ~/.mail_aliases

and well, if this is not clear now
then, um, get the windows version.

> I'm asking because I grepped the manual and I can't find
> anything about how sourcing a file would cause screen flashes.

error -> beep -> visual bell (aka flash).

> --
>            ( Memoriam )
> ============;===========;============()
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>             # # # # # # #
>             # # # # # # #
>             # # # # # # #
>             # # # # # # #
> For all the victims from over one hundred
> countries who died one year ago today.

the worst part about "9/11" is the reference
to the Eternal September and its signatures.
Osama is going to rot in /dev/null for that!



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