On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 09:51:11PM +0100, Dean Richard Benson wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 06:26:25PM +0200, Johan Svedberg wrote:
> > Anyone experinced mutt going to the wrong mailbox when you're in the
> > browsers mailbox view and place the indicator on some mailbox and press
> > enter?
> Yes I have.  There was a thread regarding this a while ago.  It seems to
> be when you enter a folder, return to the mailbox view, and then new
> mail comes into the original folder, no matter which folder you then
> select, it will go into the original folder.
> This has been frustrating me for some time, but I haven't managed to
> find a fix --- yet.

Yep, this is exactly what happens, and I agree with you it's very
frustrating. :) Another frustrating thing that happens is that the
new-mail indicator doesn't work on that box even if it actually contains
new massages. :-(


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