D. J. Bolderman sez:
} On Thu, 03 Oct 2002, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
} > > Subject says it all: if I'm using Mutt over an ssh connection, how can I
} > > execute http links in mails ? Or is this simply not possible ?
} Yes, I mean the graphical client on my workstation (winxp...) I got some
} links that lynx won't show correctly.

If I understand you correctly, you have an ssh connection from your WinXP
box to some other box, on which you run mutt. I can only think of one way
to go about opening a link from mutt-running-on-the-remote-box in a browser
on the local box. It requires three steps, only the first of which is

1) In your ssh connection, forward a port on the local machine to the
   remote machine, e.g. ssh -R 31337:localhost:31337 user@host

2) Write a program for urlview to open which takes an URL as a commandline
   parameter, connects to the chosen port (e.g. 31337), and writes the URL.

3) Write another program which listens on the chosen port and, when it
   receives a connection, reads the URL from the socket and opens it in a
   local browser.

If you have the (open source) program named "socket" (and Cygwin on your XP
box) then this becomes relatively simple (though it still requires some
commandline for opening an URL):

#urlview calls me
echo "$@" | socket localhost 31337


#I listen on the port
#run me with a port number argument to start listening

if test $# -eq 0
        openThatUrl `head -1`
        if test x"`dirname $0`" = x.
                ex="`pwd`/`basename $0`"
                ex="`dirname $0`/`basename $0`"
        exec socket -b -f -q -r -p "$ex" -s -l $1

} D.J. Bolderman

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