* D. J. Bolderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-03 00:58]:
> On Thu, 03 Oct 2002, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
> > > Subject says it all: if I'm using Mutt over an ssh connection, how can I
> > > execute http links in mails ? Or is this simply not possible ?
> > By executing http links you mean starting a graphical browser?
> > Don't know how to do that, but perhaps using a text
> > browser like lynx or w3m can help you here.
> Yes, I mean the graphical client on my workstation (winxp...)
> I got some links that lynx won't show correctly.

well - complain to your winxp dealer then!
you have *paid* for the damn thing, right?

no need to complain about lynx or mutt, though.
they work perfectly alright on linux/unix - see?


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