type a question mark ie <shift> + </> should give you what you want ..


On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 03:54:21PM -0400, Susan Kleinmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I could have sworn that somewhere in the documentation (man page/manual/faqs)
> I saw something that showed what mutt command could be used to get a list of 
> all the key bindings that were active in the current menu.  But now I can't find
> that reference any more.
> So, is there a command that will show all the current key bindings, and if so,
> what is it?
> The reason I'm interested is that, as a mutt newbie, I'm presuming one needs to 
> know what key bindings already exist in order _not_ to write a macro that will 
> write all over some important command.  
> TIA,
> Susan

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