=- David Champion wrote on Thu  1.Feb'07 at 13:05:27 -0600 -=

> Has no one ever asked you how you can stand not reading e-mail
> in full blazing GUI glory?

(I'm not sure they'd call it "blazing glory" in the first place.
It's often not that they like it but rather have no choice or just
stick with what comes first)

No, on the contrary, 1st they are puzzled by the strange look.
If that doesn't drive them away already (declaring me crazy), they
"admire" me for using such an "advanced" (==non-GUI/-mouse) tool
and how "efficient" it works for me, but "it's too hard for me".
And if they still haven't given up, they say "great, maybe I
should switch, too". Admittedly those are _very_ rare, but that
was not the original question anyway. ;)

> I said this is a matter for developers, not for users, because
> developers (and administrators) are responsible for setting up
> users' capabilities and defaults and ensuring interoperability.

Yes, but users can feedback their experiences to the people in
charge so they can reconsider. Users just have to do it so admins
can learn about it at all. Otherwise admins will keep thinking
they do a good job.
"No comment" doesn't necessarily equate to "well done, admin" but
maybe "I'm too lame to bitch and kick your butt to fix things once
for all, so I take pains for a poor workaround or just give up". ;)

> But even if it's a chosen setting, it most often aligns with
> what they like the look of, not what they understand.

As well this doesn't require to exclude each other! Often reason
and convenience are close to each other (mostly?).
We won't know unless we learn by asking/ trying.

> It's a lot to ask of many people that they frame their workflow
> around issues they don't understand or want to understand, just
> because I pitched them a set of reasons that I said were
> logically sound. Non-enthusiasts just want it to work with a
> minimum of fuss and configuration, and if it looks like it works
> to them, then it works.

No big discussions or explanations needed: just hit the checkbox,
I have yet to meet _conscious_ TOFU posters in that they really
use/ read the quotes _in every_ mail. Most of them could very well
just not quote at all without losing anything.

> Have you worked in direct user support? For each professional or
> enthusiast, there are hundreds who just use computers as a tool,
> the way you would use a hammer or a gas oven. Few people want to
> modify their ovens, even if oven engineers have suggestions for
> how to do it.

I know the numbers, as well I know that dominant "lazy" attitude.
But at the same time people are not stupid or unfriendly despite
being lazy _on their own_: if asked, they can move in favour of
_somebody else_ and not be angry about it if the move is gentle.
You just have to be brave enough to _ask_ them rather than _assume_
the worst.

> I don't disagree with your rationale, I just don't think that
> training everyone else to think "right" isn't very practical as
> a solution to interop problems.

Heh, they don't have to understand it all to make a small move.
Many people are just friendly trustful by itself. ;)

> Let me know when you convince them all, though, and I'll pay for
> drinks. :)

I'll remind you, no worries. :)

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL of it: you get what you give.

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