=- Marc Vaillant wrote on Thu  8.Feb'07 at 11:52:23 -0500 -=

> > I'm sorry, explain, I don't see how it works against you when
> > 2 sides agree on a common course that helps both by making
> > things simpler.
> > 
> > > I'm not afraid to ask, I'm just wise enough to know that its
> > > futile, or worse, detrimental.
> > 
> > How do you know that before actually getting confirmation from
> > them?!
> I should have admitted that I am afraid: If %80 comply and %20
> don't, then that's at least %20 who think I'm a lunatic for
> wasting time working in a crippled environment.

That would be 80% improvement for you (and with it your company).
If the 20% still keep thinking this about you after telling them about
the negative aspects of HTML (security, phishing, spam in and out),
then they're beyond reasoning.  Why worry about their ignorance?

But you/ we know better, and when you tell the persons in charge
(management or sysadmin) about the reasons we gave you about security
and spam, they might install a new policy, what will the 20% say then?
In the name of security many bad things have happened in the past
and present, could work for the good (mutt) side for a change. ;)

> I work in a startup of 10 people. I'm the only reason {... for
> IMAP, ssh, linux.}
> By most in our company, the effort to keep this going is
> considered a waste of time.

So you have some kind of experience/ feedback from your collegues:
prejudice against you.
Because they haven't met the evil side yet, lucky them.
And because they haven't seen your efficient mail management.

> Asking them to restrict how they use their email--no matter how
> compelling an argument I give--has a high probability of just
> strengthening that view.

If they consider it restrictive (i.e. they care about that at
all), then probably. Whatever, I'd give it a shot, given that
you're on the losing end already there isn't much more to lose. ;)

> I don't want to give them more fodder that might lead to losing
> my environment.

Ok, if they have power over you, then this is a different matter.

> http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/dilbert-20070125.html
> It's these experiences and anecdotes that contribute to my
> pessimistic view.

But the hope never dies, and sometimes we're lucky. :)

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL of it: you get what you give.

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