On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 05:22:34PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> I use mutt to connect to my imap server.
> After upgrading my laptop from Feisty to Gutsy today when I get a list
> of mailboxes (c-?-<tab>) it shows all my subscribed mail boxes but
> with zero counts.

I just build mutt-1.5.16 from source with:

    $ ./configure --enable-imap --with-ssl --prefix=$HOME/mutt

and I get the same behavior -- all mailboxes show zero counts new
mail counts.

I do have this in my .muttrc:

    set folder_format="%02C %-2N %f"

But commenting-out does not help.

What else can I look at?

I see a few items in the ChangeLog, although neither seem like a
a match to my problem.

2007-04-02 20:44 -0700  Brendan Cully  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (59fcc37f8c75)
        * browser.c, browser.h, imap/browse.c, imap/imap.h: Add hook for
        proper IMAP unseen count in mailbox browser

2007-03-30 20:18 -0700  Brendan Cully  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (dc54ae48d8c1)
        * imap/command.c: Consult header cache if available for last known new
        mail count. This prevents mutt from announcing new mail in mailboxes
        that have unseen, but not new, messages, if those mailboxes are in
        the header cache.

Bill Moseley

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