Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 15Aug2009 14:06, Gen-Paul <> wrote:

[...nice rant...]

Thanks for snipping. I've read some of his older posts and he sounds like a decent enough sort of chap otherwise.

Actually, a few months back, his malformed "From:" email address was quoted and did not cause me any grief.

For all I know, he probably does not even know this is happening.

As mentioned earlier, he uses gnus/emacs and he may have set some option or other that actually causes the "From:" address to be generated automatically without his even seeing it - I can't imagine anyone creating such a bizarre "From:" address voluntarily.

I don't use emacs, so I won't speculate further.

| Phew..!! I managed to get through this message, w/o mutt or vim..
| only took me twice the time and effort.. just hope my
| T-Bird-whatever settings won't cause this rant to materialize as a
| ten megabyte html thing with very long lines - in your and other
| folks' Inbox-es.

Looks like nice text/plain to me.

What's reduced you to using TBird/Seamonkey?


I had a feeling I was being unfair to other posters on a number of mailing lists who use the gmail "mailer" and regulary come up with rather messy stuff.. and so I decided to take a look and see for myself how the other half live.. well now I can see what they have to contend with and will try to ignore them..

Feeling sociable, I thought I'd also take a look at a regular GUI mailer and since I had TBird already installed as part of the Seamonkey suite.. Oh, that wasn't _too_ bad, a lot less convenient than mutt when you need to handle large volumes, but if you take your time..

So, when I noticed the malformed address causing an issue in mutt, I started wondering what subscribers who do not use mutt were seeing and since I had these environments available, I decided to subscribe this gmail account to the python mailing list and wait for his next post.

Well, he posted again a couple of days ago, and interestingly, both gmail and TBird correctly display his name in their equivalent of the message index, possibly because neither of them even bothers to look at the <...> stuff that follows the sender's name in the header (?)

In any case, since his contributions to the list are generally useful, instead of breaking threads by dumping his posts, I will fish out your procmail recipes and implement them.



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