On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 11:16:35AM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> * Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > After getting the weirdness with the "m" command sorted out, a new
> > problem cropped up. When Mutt first opens it reads all the mailboxes
> > over and over and over.
> What makes you think so? A progress indicator at the bottom? What does
> it say exactly?

The indicator says it's reading /home/holtzm/mail/xxxxxx and cycles
through the mailboxes anything from 2-4 times before it opens the first

> > This goes on for ~60 seconds after which my
> > INCOMING mailbox opens. At this point issuing any command, be it the
> > up or down arrows, ^n, ^p,w,q or any other results in Mutt rereading
> > all the mailboxes over and over and over. While this is going on the
> > keyboard is unresponsive.
> Weird, what's your value of the $mail_check variable? You can see if
> increasing it help. How many folders do you have, are they rather large
> or small (”rather large“ is something like 5.000 or more messages per
> folder I'd say.)
There are 20 files some with as many as 30-40k messages. This ~/mail
directory was copied over from my desktop box where mutt works

mail_check=10. I'll try increasing it later when I get some more time. 

> > Now for the strangeness. Mutt functions perfectly on my desktop box.
> > The noted behavior only occurs on my laptop, a Dell Latitude. Both
> > computers are running the identical ~.muttrc files, the desktop file
> > having been copied via a flash drive to the laptop.
> There's also a systemwide config file (/etc/Muttrc, depending on the
> setup) which has totally different settings on both machines.

I'll try copying one to the other machine, renaming 1 and running
"diff", again later when I get some more time. I'll report the results.

Thanks for the reply. 

Bob Holtzman
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"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

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