Dear all,

I use mutt with Cygwin and Windows XP.

Until Firefox release, I very happily used the plug-in
MIME Edit [1] to associate the extension ".mbox" with a batch
file, mbox.bat:

    @echo off
    c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -i e:\u\config\ "%1"

which ran - essentially:

    mutt -F /home/tbaker/u/config/muttrc/muttrc -f "$1"

So that when I clicked on a link such as:

    <a href="file://localhost/e:/foo/bar.mbox">Foobar</a>

in Firefox, it would run mutt, opening the mailbox bar.mbox.  It
was fantastic!

With Firefox 3, I can use a "patched" version of [1] (see [2])
to associate the extension ".mbox" with mbox.bat, as before --
only this time it does not work.  When I click on a link, nothing

This is perhaps ultimately a Firefox issue, having to do perhaps
with the way arguments are passed.  I'm raising the issue on this
list because I'm thinking there must be people out there who also
really want to run mutt from within Firefox...



Tom Baker <>

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