On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 01:19:43PM -0400, brownh wrote:
> Often, when composing a message, I want to past an address in the To: 
> line without using my mouse. However, the usual C-y or C-v keyboard 
> commands don't work. Any suggestions?

Entirely dependent on your terminal program, not Mutt. Mutt
doesn't know you're running in a graphical environment.

If you say what terminal program you're using, or what's
available to you, people may be able to help.

> If I may, a minor secondary question. When I type in an address on the 
> To: line, the insertion point is not visible. This is annoying when I 
> need to go back to correct a typo. I don't know where I am so that I 
> can do a DEL or type at the right place. Can I change this behavior?

Probably terminal program dependent as well.


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