On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 02:57:41PM +0100, Zeerak Waseem wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm having some difficulties with mutt and multiple imaps; I've been
> trying to set it up for my private mail and my uni mail, but I can't seem
> to get it to work. I've been following two entries from the wiki (mainly)
> this (http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/UseIMAP) and this
> (http://wiki.mutt.org/?UserStory/GmailMultiIMAP), if I purely follow the
> first link, then mutt responds with there being no maildir.
> If I purely follow the second link then it recognizes the maildir, but it
> shows that there are no mailboxes.
> A finesse to this is that my uni mail has a different ending from the imap
> server (the other is a gmail account). Could someone help me point out the
> flaws in my configuration?
> # Base hook to reset account variables to known state before activating
> new ones
>   account-hook . 'unset preconnect imap_user imap_pass imap_authenticators;
> set ssl_starttls=ask-yes'
>   account-hook imaps://imap.gmail.com:993/ 'set imap_user=Gmail-user
> imap_pass=Pass'
>   folder-hook imaps://imap.gmail.com:993/ 'set
> folder=imaps://imap.gmail.com/INBOX record=+Sent from="My Name
> <gmail-u...@gmail.com>"'
>   account-hook imaps://uni-imap-server.com/ 'set imap_user=Uni-user
> imap_pass=Pass2'
>   folder-hook imaps://uni-imap-server.com/ 'set
> folder=imaps://uni-imap-server.com/INBOX record=+Sent from="My Name
> <uni-m...@uni-mail-address.com>"'
> If I add a folder and a spoolfile line (independent of the hooks) then
> this setup works, but would I need to set a spoolfile and a folder for
> both accounts? I think I tried it, but I'm not quite certain.
> Any help would be appreciated :-)

Have you tried Offlineimap? I am using it with great success. Read here:


Chuck Smith

> -- 
> Zeerak

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