I use FreeBSD for my email server and have mutt installed on it. I often ssh 
into the mail server from Mac OS X (Leopard) and use the remote mutt. However 
when I do, the display on terminal is not right, namely that the indicator does 
not stretch across the whole width of the screen as it normally does, and only 
extends enough to highlight the subject text of the email. It doesn't happen if 
i use an xterm on the same Mac and it doesn't happen if I unset color from the 
indicator in the muttrc on my FreeBSD server. 

I really don't where to start looking to sort this little problem, and although 
it's not a major issues it's very irritating. Interesingly, I use the same Mac 
to shh into other UNIX machines and use mutt on those without this problem, 
such as Linux and NetBSD.

I wondered, has anyone else experienced this before and if so do you know how I 
could fix it?


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