On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 09:16:21AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2010-07-13, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > I had thought that "=3D" was a m$-ism?
> The "=" at the end of the line and "=3D" stuff is quoted-printable,
> a type of Content-Transfer-Encoding defined by RFC 2045.  Mutt
> already knows how to deal with that and decodes it before piping the
> result to w3m.
> Is the URL in the text of the message, or is it embedded within an
> <A tag?  Posting the problematic URL with a few lines of context may
> help us see the problem better.

It's in an A tag: (I've munged some of the href's characters in this post)

        <td height=3D"60" colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center" valign=3D"middle=
"><font face=3D"Arial" color=3D"#666666" style=3D"font-size:10px"><a titl=
e=3D"View Email Online link" href=3D"http://example.media.xyz.com.au:80/t=
&viewonline" style=3D"color: #666666">Click here if you cannot view this =
email properly</a></span><br />=20

> What happens if you open the attachment in the attachment menu?
> That will use w3m to display the message instead of just using w3m
> as a filter.  Do you see the "*" as a link?

It's not an attachment. The message is only text/html.
(Yes, I do dump 99% of them, just not this one. :)

Thanks for the enlightenment thus far.


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