On 2010-07-14, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 09:16:21AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > On 2010-07-13, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > > I had thought that "=3D" was a m$-ism?
> > 
> > The "=" at the end of the line and "=3D" stuff is quoted-printable,
> > a type of Content-Transfer-Encoding defined by RFC 2045.  Mutt
> > already knows how to deal with that and decodes it before piping the
> > result to w3m.
> > 
> > Is the URL in the text of the message, or is it embedded within an
> > <A tag?  Posting the problematic URL with a few lines of context may
> > help us see the problem better.
> It's in an A tag: (I've munged some of the href's characters in this post)
>         <td height=3D"60" colspan=3D"3" align=3D"center" valign=3D"middle=
> "><font face=3D"Arial" color=3D"#666666" style=3D"font-size:10px"><a titl=
> e=3D"View Email Online link" href=3D"http://example.media.xyz.com.au:80/t=
> rack?t=3Dv&mid=3D45671&msgid=3D87652&did=3D87641&edid=3D26341&sn=3D374852=
> 7545&eid=3df...@example.stuff.net&eeid=3df...@example.stuff.net&uid=3D9=
> 56897&rid=3D234564&erid=3D234564&fl=3D&mvid=3D&extra=3D&&&2000&eu=3D425&&=
> &viewonline" style=3D"color: #666666">Click here if you cannot view this =
> email properly</a></span><br />=20

If the URL is embedded within an <A ...> tag, as this one is, then
w3m will not display it.  That is, in an HTML link written like

    <A href="http://foo.com";>bar</A>

w3m will display "bar" but not "http://foo.com";.

In your original post you said that the URL was rendered as "*".
Did the "*" appear instead of "Click here if you cannot view this
email properly" or was the "*" in front of "Click here ..."?

> > What happens if you open the attachment in the attachment menu?
> > That will use w3m to display the message instead of just using w3m
> > as a filter.  Do you see the "*" as a link?
> It's not an attachment. The message is only text/html.
> (Yes, I do dump 99% of them, just not this one. :)

I guess I should have been more clear and written, "What happens if
you open the attachment or the message in the attachment menu?"  I
expect w3m to highlight the link but not display the URL.

If your w3m is configured to allow the use of an external browser,


on the link will open the link in the external browser.


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