On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 04:54:19PM -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> This absolutely makes sense -- every bit of what you describe.  
> Mutt does not save the state of a mailbox once it leaves that
> mailbox... so if it has to parse the message to determine that it is
> signed when you first see a message, it will need to do so *every time
> you visit that mailbox*.  

Except when visiting the other mailboxes, all the flags are in place, as
expected - before viewing the message.

> As for using in-line signatures, it's still very common to do so,
> because (at least as of the last time I looked into this) many of the
> most popular mail clients (including Pine and some derivatives, and
> the MS-Outlook family) could not handle PGP-MIME messages *at all*.
> Thus many people who are familiar with PGP and communicate with such
> people persist in using the old form, because it's more portable.

This is understood. Regardless, Mutt can flag both inline and MIME/SMIME
signatures in the index without issue on every mailbox except two.
Further, thes _is_ the gnupg-users mailing list that we are talking
about. Not only will people be signing mail much more frequently on this
list than others, but I would expect the probability that people on the
list are using MIME/SMIME to be much higher than a standard list.

> It's easy enough to confirm... just look at the raw content of the
> message.  If you don't see MIME parts headers, but you DO see stuff
> like  
> > ----- BEGIN PGP MESSAGE -----
> > -----  END PGP MESSAGE -----
> ...then you have yourself a traditional PGP message.

Yes. I'me very familiar with PGP signatures. I've been signing my email
since 2004, and I've been on Uneset, mailing lists and BBS where
signing posts was common-place.

> For example, this post to gnupg-users absolutely IS a traditional
> in-line PGP message:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gnupg/users/52282?do=post_view_threaded#52282
> A casual glance suggests there are many such messages.

Again, I don't have a problem with this. It's just that the only flag
showing, in fact, is just 'L' for the list. Nothing else, until after I
view the message of the list. It's entirely inconsistent with the 100+
mailboxes that I change to every day.

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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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