On 2011-01-27, Leo Vegoda <l...@bind.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 05:18:24PM -0600, Todd Hesla wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.  I guess this would work, in principle. 
>> However, I think it would involve quite a bit of keyboarding/mousing
>> to massage the original long comma-separated list of addresses into
>> multiple Bcc headers.  Is there, perhaps, a build parameter that can
>> be reset to increase the 5000 character limit, so I can just paste
>> the long list into a single Bcc header (without anything getting
>> stripped off)?
> You should be prepared for mail servers to reject a message with 300
> recipients in Bcc. The minimum required in the standard is 100
> and servers are entitled to reject when more are specified:

That's an SMTP limitation, right?

I take it mutt does not handle a messsage with a large number of
recipients by breaking up the send operation into multiple SMTP or
sendmail transactions each of which only attempts to specify 100

[IMO, mutt is simply the wrong tool for doing mass-emailing, so I'm
not faulting mutt for not handling messages with >100 recipients.]

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! When you get your
                                  at               PH.D. will you get able to
                              gmail.com            work at BURGER KING?

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