0n Sun, Jun 05, 2011 at 04:19:10PM -0400, Chris Brennan wrote: 

    >* Ionel Mugurel Ciobica <tga...@chem.tue.nl> [2011-06-05 21:37:13 +0200]:
    >> If you use vim for other than editing e-mails, you may want not to add
    >> that limit in your .vimrc. Instead add this to your .muttrc:
    >> set editor="/usr/bin/vim -c 'set ft=mail et tw=72'"
    >Perfect, I will add that over textwidth in my .vimrc, thanks

Something else that is brilliant is binding a key as such:

Add this to your $HOME/.vimrc

   " " --------------------------
   " "     fix formatting
   " " --------------------------
   " * <F1> to re-format the current paragraph correctly
   " * <F2> to format a line which is too long, and go to the next line
   " * <F3> to merge the previous line with the current one, with a correct

   nmap    <F1>    gqap
   nmap    <F2>    gqqj
   nmap    <F3>    kgqj
   map!    <F1>    <ESC>gqapi
   map!    <F2>    <ESC>gqqji
   map!    <F3>    <ESC>kgqji



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