On 18.06.11,13:08, Joseph wrote:
> On 06/18/11 09:56, Jostein Berntsen wrote:
> >On 17.06.11,22:42, Joseph wrote:
> >>I have in my .maildir folder file name: EXITCODE==255
> >>
> >>-rw-------  1 joseph joseph 226435 Jun 12 23:20 EXITCODE==255
> >>
> >>it looks like collection of html emails.
> >>Any ideas how to retrieve this mail?
> >>
> >
> >Could you try to view this mailbox with
> >
> >mutt -f "~/.maildir/EXITCODE==255"
> Yes, this worked; it contian missing mail.
> But hot did the mail ended up in there?

What kind of mail filter do you use? Could it be that this exited with 
code 255 when you downloaded some mail? Are all the mail from the same 

> Accessing the folder from mutt with "c" change directory and saving it to 
> inbox folder worked as well.
> >
> >To view html mails in mutt put this in ~/.mailcap:
> >
> >text/html; w3m -F -dump -I %{charset} -O UTF-8 -T text/html; \
> >copiousoutput
> >
> >and this in your ~/.muttrc:
> >
> >auto_view text/html
> This solution does not work. I solve it by using "links" in mailcap:
> /etc/mailcap:
> ...
> text/html; /usr/bin/links '%s'; needsterminal; description=HTML Text; 
> nametemplate=%s.html
> text/html; /usr/bin/links -dump '%s'; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; 
> nametemplate=%s.html
> ...

Links works just as fine. That the w3m line didn't work might mean that 
you don't have the w3m console browser installed on your system.


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