* Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111014 15:33]:
> On 13Oct2011 16:51, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
> | * Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111013 01:35]:
> | > Can you post the output of your "postconf" command? We can diff it
> | > against our own running postfixen.
> |  Still there? :)
> |  Output for postconf is at 
> |  http://www.akwebsoft.com/transfers/postconf.txt
> It says:
>   wget http://www.akwebsoft.com/transfers/postconf.txt
>   HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Authorization Required
    I password protected that directory.
> |  I've got an error:
> |  When I invoke
> |  sendmail -v t...@tj49.com  < test.mail
> |  I get the following error sent to my mail box (in part)
> |  """
> | <t...@tj49.com>: host mail.tj49.com[] said: 550-Verification 
> failed
> |     for <tim@linus.local> 550-The mail server could not deliver mail to
> |     tim@linus.local.  The account or domain may not exist, they may be
> |     blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries. 550 Sender verify failed
> |     (in reply to RCPT TO command)
> |  """
> | I believe that I got similar error on ubuntu when `mydomain' was not
> | set, but as you should see, it is set.
> Still need to see your postconf :-(
> Meanwhile, what is $myorigin set to?
  I had forgotten to set mydestiniation. 
> Is your host?
  My domain hoster.
> What's in test.mail?
 Just a couple of lines of text.
> Is there an alias file on your mail system?

 I am now able to successfully send mail.
 However, it has been a long time since I have had to tweak postfix
 or mutt.
 I will run postconf later, post the output, the auth data for that
 site and send the email from my new machine, and perhaps you 
 could review my headers to see if all looks good.
 I will make it a new thread..
 Thanks again for the help.
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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