> | SK wrote:
> | > Is there a quick way for me to forward emails to a fixed/hardcoded
> | > email address with say a single key press? It could work either in the
> | > index or the pager view.
> |
> | If bounce doesn't work for you, the only other thing I can think of is
> | <pipe-message> to a script. [...]
> To provide an explicit example, I've got "I" bound to:
>  <bounce-message>xxxxxxx...@instapaper.com<enter>
> (well, plus a lot of other guff) to send this message to instapaper for
> later reading. I'm sure you cound "forward" (send from you, with message
> attached or quoted) instead of bounce (redispatch the message verbatim to
> another address) with asome fiddling; I rarely forward stuff myself.

Indeed bounce should work for me too. Thanks Kevin, Cameron.


> Cheers,
> --
> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743
> http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/
> STUFF: Anything that can be used for homebrewing.
> JUNK: Everything else you thought could be used for homebrewing, but can't.
>        - Steve Casselman

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