I used Mutt for several years when I first became a Linux user in 1999, and am 
considering returning to it if it gives me a shot at an objective I've been 
trying to achieve.

For a variety of reasons, none of which are germane to this topic, I have 
arranged for my primary work computer (a Macbook Pro) to triple-boot into Mac 
OS X (Lion), Windows 7, and Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).  I want to be able to both 
read new mail and all my archived email from any of those OSes, since I need to 
communicate whatever environment I happen to be working in at the moment.  I 
tried to make Thunderbird do that, since it seems to allow for such behavior, 
but there were constant issues with file permissions and data reliability.  It 
occurred to me recently that Mutt might be the answer.  So here are the 
questions I can think of:

1.  I don't expect this to be easy--but is there some reason it's just plain 

2.  Is it possible to write a single .muttrc that I can copy to the three home 
directories that can determine the "folder" path based on the current OS?  That 
is, the common mail folder is called "/Volumes/Common/Mail" in OS X, 
"D:/Common/Mail" in Windows, and "/Common/Mail" in Linux.  Or do I just have to 
have three separate .muttrc files and manually coordinate them?  (I've never 
actually used the Windows version of Mutt, so I'm guessing at the path format.)

3.  Does anyone have any advice for someone whose Mutt skills are rusty at best?

Daryl Lee
If logic tells you that life is a meaningless accident, don't give up on life.  
Give up on logic.   -- Shira Milgrom

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