On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 22:10:04 -0600, Daryl Lee wrote:
> 2.  Is it possible to write a single .muttrc that I can copy to the
> three home directories that can determine the "folder" path based on
> the current OS?  That is, the common mail folder is called
> "/Volumes/Common/Mail" in OS X, "D:/Common/Mail" in Windows, and
> "/Common/Mail" in Linux.  Or do I just have to have three separate
> .muttrc files and manually coordinate them?  (I've never actually used
> the Windows version of Mutt, so I'm guessing at the path format.)

Another approach might be to have three short "stub" .muttrc files in
the home directories, each of which would do a few lines of OS-specific
config, and then use the "source" command to include a file stored on
your /Common partition containing all your common configuration.  (That
would avoid the need to copy a file to back to each of the home
directories each time you wanted to change some aspect of the common


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